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Can Chiropratics Help Scoliosis?
9/26 9:02:30

Thank You for your encouraging words. I would like to receive your newsletter. Any advice about diet that you would like to share with me would be considered a blessing! Many Thanks, including those from both my husband and children who look forward to having their wife/mother back 100%!!

Grace & Peace,
[email protected]

Followup To
Question -
Thank You for your prompt response. To answer some of your other questions... I am a stay at home- homeschooling mother- of two daughters~ 6 years and 18 months old. My activity level is on the poor side at the moment as far as a cardio routine is concerned. After having my last daughter, I started back exercising regularly at our local gym. However, this is when I started to notice some back pain, and did not want to strain my back further. I still stay busy with my children, and gardening as much as my back will allow.

I have not had any accidents in the past six months, and the pain is in the lower back. The past couple of weeks it has been much worse. The worsening started on our vacation a couple of weeks ago when I slept in a water bed. Traveling through the airport with backpacks, diaperbags, and luggage did not help the situation either.

The pain in the past has been relieved by ice mostly, but I alternate with heat. Over the counter pain medication like Advil have helped, but the pain this time had to be relieved with perscription medication by the docotor along with an anti-inflamitory med.

I do have a bit of weight to lose, I stand 5'5 and weigh 180 lbs.

Thank You.

Grace & Peace,

Followup To
Question -
I recently started to have some pretty bad back pain. So I went to the general practitioners office for a check up and some standard x-rays.

The office called me back to tell me that the doctor noticed some scoliosis on the X-rays. I do not have any details as to how mild or extreme the scoliosis is ( my follow up is not for a while). I thought this was something that only deleloped in childhood. I am 29 years old. If it did develop in  childhood, no one ever noticed and it was not obvious. I also realize there is no known cure for scoliosis, but can chiropractics help?
Answer -
Dear Melissa,

Thank you for your question and I hope that I can provide some answers for you to ease your mind.  

Yes, chiropractic can and does help scoliosis.  I have treated many patient over the years with scoliosis, some very severe, with good results.  In your case, I am going to assume that it is not a difficult scoliosis or you would have had problems in the past.  At 29, your pain is most likely to some spinal joint dysfunction and related sequelae.  

What this means is that the spinal joints get "stuck" or fixated and just don't move through their normal range of motion like they should.  This can lead to back pain, muscle spasm, inflammation and even irritation of the spinal nerves.  All will cause the type of back pain you are complaining about. These are the symptoms of what is termed "mechanical back pain".  

Chiropractic manipulation is the treatment of choice for mechanical back pain. As it is a mechanical cause, it needs a mechanical solution.  Pain meds usually provide temporary relief, but do not solve the problem and have many side effects.

I also want you to know that in the absence of any other significant findings on xray, often the GP will use the term scoliosis for any small or minor curve of the spine on an xray.  The radiologist will use the term "lateral list" for a slight deviation of the spine.  This is not really a scoliosis and better describes the findings.  I have seen many xrays that were deemed a scoliosis by the GP that in fact were not, but just a slight "list".  

I want you to answer a few questions for me and this may better clear up the nature and cause of your back pain.  

1-What kind of work do you do?
2-What kind of activities do you participate in, i.e. hobbies, exercise, sports?
3-What kind of shape are you in: good, fair, poor?
4-How tall are  you and how much do you weigh?
5-Have you had any event occur in the last six months that you can blame the back pain on: i.e. accident, fall, lifting, etc?
6-Where is the back pain: upper back, middle back, lower back?
7-Is the pain relieved with rest, pain medication, heat, cold, etc?

If you can answer these questions for me and send them back to me, I can give you a better idea of what is causing them.

Do not be too concerned at this point regarding any scoliosis.  Once you are shown the films, you will have a better idea of what it looks like. It is likely not too bad.  I ask for your height and weight as scoliosis is normally reserved for certain body types.  

I recommend at this point a visit with a chiropractor for an exam and consultation.  Then you and he can determine what type of treatment would be best for this back pain you are experiencing.  The important thing is that you can as you do not want to continue to suffer or allow the cause of the back pain to worsen.

I look forward to your reply and hope that I can help in any way.

God Bless,

Dr. Boss
Answer -

Thank you for your reply and praise God for your two little girls.  I have two sons and a daughter myself and while they often drive you nuts, they are truly the greatest joy and gift we will ever have on earth.

Let me tell you what is going on with  your back.  Everything you just described to me tells me your back is deconditioned severely.  First of all, carry around a baby inside your tummy will put tremendous strain and decondition the spinal muscles.  Second, having the baby causes strain.  Third, carry the baby, which is "dead weight", for 18 months further fatigues and wears down the strength of the spine.  You would think it would build it up, but the deconditioned status post-pregnancy never heals and strengthens as you go straight to lugging the child around all day.  

The reason for the increased back pain when your started exercising would again be due to the deconditioned state and usually altered spinal mechanics due to it all.  The added weight, which is almost impossible to lose right now, is not a help either.

So, what is the solution?  

I recommend several manipulations to help restore joint function and then you need to start exercising.  However, your initial exercise should go like this:

Walking - 20 minutes per day (that is all for 1 week)
Stretching daily

Week 2-6

Walking - 30 minutes per day (at least 5 days per week)
Rubber tubing exercises --you can get a rubber tubing kit and exercise booklet from WalMart.  They cost $10-20.  If you have any questions as to how to do the exercises, let me know and I can email you some instructions
Stretching daily

You may increase your walking time and speed as you go along.  Your initial speed should be at a rate in which you can talk comfortably, but one at which you cannot sing.  Try it, if you can sing, speed up.  You should get winded if trying to sing as you walk, but not winded when talking normally.  Then, as the weeks go by, speed up your pace just a little.

If you have trouble taking the weight off, contact me as well.  I have a great and very healthy plan for weight loss.  Right now, I think you need to concentrate on strengthening your frame and musculature, then you can take on the weight loss.

Also, make sure you drink plenty of water.  Not tea or soda or coffee, but water.  You can have a little of the other, but your main source of fluid should be water.  If you weigh 180, your body needs at least 90 ounces of water daily.  This in itself will aid in relieving some back pain and fatigue.  If you would like, I release a twice a month newsletter via email.  Send me your email address and I can send it to you if you would like.  I can also email you a sheet of stretches to do daily.

God Bless you Melissa and good luck.  Take those little ones on the walk with you sometimes, and also try to get out on your own or with a friend now and again.  Enjoy it and know that you are going to improve and lose that weight.

Dr. Boss


Don't you put any pressure on yourself.  Your husband and kids love you just the way you are.  You will want to work to become healthier for them and yourself, so that you can do more without pain and you will feel better about yourself.  I will have my assistant put you on the email list and will forward you information.  Start the stretching and walking and we will talk about dieting in a month or two.  Right now just eat smart, lots of vegetables and good protein, carbs and fat.  Do not get caught up in these fad diets, low carb or low fat or high protein diets.  These may work initially but generally cause other concerns along the way.  Be smart now and start getting back is physical shape, then you can diet without difficulty.  

God Bless you and your family,

Dr. Boss

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