My rt leg at hip joint seems to be out of place or socket. When I walk I limp and it feels weak when raising my knee part way up (all the way it is ok).
Like pinched nerve or pulled tendon(?) All since my boyfriend has twisted my legs beyond limits while fooling around. Also, took up skiing 1 yr ago, which may caused new stress (but I doubt it is that). At first, my rt knee was unsteady( (ok now). Once I start walking, it sometimes gets strong and ok, but I am careful to not overuse it or walk too far. (I used to walk and run all the time)
what willhelp this? I havent been to the Dr. yet.
AnswerDear Marlis,
Thank you for your question.
There are several things that can be going on with the hip. I recommend that you schedule an appointment with a chiropractor for an evaluation to determine the type of problem and what to do about it. As there are several different things that can be going on, it is difficult for me to give you any advice on what it exactly is. But I do know that your chiropractor can fully evaluate this problem and devise a plan to fix it.
Good luck and I hope you do well.
Dr. Boss