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Sore Back
9/26 9:01:13

Hi, i am 27 and fit. So anyway... I was playing squash last night and
i was fine when i woke from bed this morning i was fine but after i
dressed myself i leaned over to pick up my shoe and i felt a sharp
pain on my lower back area just over my bottom. it is really sore
now. What do you think, should i go and see a doctor

Many thanks


Thanks for the question.  What you need to distinguish is whether this is a muscle pain or a joint pain.  If it is a muscle pain, then the muscle will be tight and it will be tender to pressure in various spots throughout the muscle.  You may need someone to help you by pushing and poking around on the area.

If it is a joint pain, most likely the sacroiliac joint in this case, it can be tender to touch, but it will usually hurt worse on certain movements.  If you stand erect and lift one knee up as if running in place and then put it down again and you have pain, then it is the SI joint. If you lie on your stomach and lift a leg straight back off the floor and this causes pain, then it will be the joint. If you stand and bend backward and have pain, it is the joint.

If it is muscle pain, I recommend ice and some type of pain reliever for a few days. If the pain persists past 3 days, see a doctor.  If it is pain in the joint, then see a chiropractor today and usually, if you catch it quick enough, just a few simple treatments will take care of it.

I hope this helps.

Dr. Boss

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