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 Bone Health > Question and Answer > Pain and Symptoms > Chiropractors > Sorry again man, just trying to get this thing right ...Im retarded
Sorry again man, just trying to get this thing right ...Im retarded
9/26 9:00:49

finally...part of my question that I was trying to ask was if arching the back in tightness is just as bad as slouching?  basically I have a somewhat straight back position where I dont feel tight...this is how I should be positioned when doing most anything right?

I saw this infovideo for work the other day and it emphasized this sort of stoic back arching thing that I didnt feel right doing

(please still answer about the methodology...back straightening, aligning body parts)

Hello Jeff,

    You may want to see a doctor of chiropractic for a exam.  You have to realize everyone is biomechanically different!  Improper postioning for one person maybe correct for another.  A exam of your spine and determining the weaknesses along the spine will determine what areas to strengthen and what exercises to avoid.  I'm sure you will have great success with this and will point you in the right direction for a life long strong spine.  After the exam your questions can be answered specifically and more acurately for your particular spine.

Let me know how it goes.
Dr. Brendon O'Brien D.C.

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