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cartlidge damage in left top chest
9/26 9:00:46

thank you for helping me with this problem
my grandaughter layed her head back on my chest and i felt a popping stinging sensation above my left breast';';the next day whilst i was moving away from the computer i felt a tearing hot pain go from the top of my chest around under my arm and i could not put my arm down without this cracking popping extreme pain that took my breath';';it felt like my shoulder muscle had come away from my sternum';';;'; i went to the dr who said it was not a cracked rib but cartlidge damage ';;;it is so sore at the top of my breast and feels like it needs to crack
that happened two days ago now the chest area is very sore and i am holding my chest muscles real tight because i am scared it will happen again';';if you touch the spot at the top of breast it hurts like anything the pain also goes around my back of the shoulder . Today i noticed my left arm is hurting too
any information would be appreciated


I apologize for the delay, it appears that the servers were down and my original answer did not go out.  

I would like to address the possibility of a cartilage tear first.  If you have a tear in the cartilage coming off of the sternum where the ribs articulate I want you to ice, ice and then ice.  You need to go 15 min on then atleast an hour off.  This will help with any acute swelling and pain.  If the area around your sternum is, or has been red and slightly hot then this is a good suggestion of a cartilage tear.  Unfortunately these take some time to heal.  Cartilage is for the most part very low in blood supply and does not heal as rapidly as other tissues might.  After a week or so you might consult a chiropractor you trust concerning ultrasound.  This is great to ensure that you complete the healing process and do not develop costochondritis.

There is the very good possibility that you have simply subluxated a rib or two.  This would explain any difficulty with deep breathing, radiation under the arm and pain in the back.  The longer the ribs set the more trigger points in the muscle you will develop.  These are relatively easy to address and you should definetely be evaluated by a chiropractor to see if this is a possibility.  If you have one you use and trust Great!!  If not I suggest that you ask a friend or two who they would recommend.  Your pattern of pain is such that this is one of the first things I would check for.

Wishing you the best of health

Dr. Wiggins

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