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Too Limber to adjust?
9/26 9:00:38

Hi Dr. Wiggins,

About 6-7 weeks ago I hurt my low back putting my 50 lb puppy in the back of my SUV.  I waited 1 1/2 weeks before seeing the chiropractor (it had been 10 yrs. since my last adjustment after a car accident).  I have been adjusted once a week for the last 5 weeks, and all of the aches and pains are gone, except for my right lower back right where it curves in.  Of the 6 times I've been in for an adjustment, that part of my back has only adjusted once, and it more or less did it on it's own as the Dr. put me into position, the relief I felt was immediate.  That was 2 times ago, and I had taken ibuprofin before the visit.  The next time I went in (4 days later), I was feeling pretty good, but after that adjustment I was back to the low back pain.  I went in for an unscheduled visit today, and again, that low back won't adjust right.  Both doc's came in to try and work on me together to get it to go, but say that I am very limber, and therefore it is difficult to get it to adjust, my body simply won't go any further.  I've been dealing w/ this pain in the rump (literally) for almost 2 months now and other than 4 days of relief, am not very comfortable.  Do you have any suggestions.  Do you think that I might need to see a regular Physician?  I know it's a chiropractic thing though, because the immediate relief I felt when it went the one time was heavenly.

Thanks for your help and advice,


I am quite confident that what you are experiencing is a chiropractic case.  You will find that one of the difficult things when dealing with chiropractic offices is the wide variety of approaches to care.  I would recommend that if you have consistantly been getting the same treatment without change in approach you might want to consider trying out a different office.  You are not going to get what you need with muscle relaxers and pain killers so I recommend sticking with chiropractic.  Look for someone who is willing to change approaches to treatment to fit your individual needs.  Being limber is not generally a problem it is those individuals who are terrible stiff that are hard to work with.  Finding somone who can work with your body and give you the care you need is very crucial to your individual success with chiropractic.  Let me know if you have any other questions please!

Wishing you the best of health

Dr. Wiggins

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