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hi about tension in facial muscles
9/26 8:59:41

Hi, I was wondering about whether I should go to see a chiropractor about a certain condition before actually going to see them.
-I have a condition where stress caused me to smile less  and what happens is my facial muscles are inflamed and roll up like in a ball and it pulls the tendons that attach to bone to the muscles, and so it pulls on the bones lol. And also when I smile it hurts alot lol.
-Also I took an overdose of sleeping pills in a day, and I think that it has to do something with my facial muscles sagging, and I have a 7th cranial nerve damage on my face and a nerve damage in general lol.
I was just wondering
1)Chiropractic medicine would help cure the problems I have above?
2) Also would chiropractic medicine help cure Temporal Mandibular Joint or tender jaws?

Dear Dyani,

Chiropractic can help with the facial tension since it is the muscles that are causing the problem.  A chiropractor can relax the tension by working on the muscles directly.  Chiropractic can also help with the inflammation of the muscles as well.  

I also would recommend for you to look into Acupuncture for the management of your condition.  Since it is nerve related, the acupuncture needle can help to stimulate the muscles and nerve in the face.  

Seeing a Chiropractic can help and seeing an Acupuncturist can also help.  My recommendation is to actually see both since each professions work on a different approach.  By having a combination will help your condition more quickly and thoroughly.  

Keep in mind that no medicine can "cure" any conditions.  But it can be managed or treated.  Chiropractic and/or Acupuncture can help with Temporal Mandibular Joint (TMJ) or jaws pain depending on the cause.  

I hope that was helpful.


Dr. Man Tran

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