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chiropractor and physical therapy
9/26 8:58:58

is a chiropractor the same as a physcial therapy?  If you a chiro can you do rehab?  do you need special training to work in sports field?

No, a chiropractor is not the same as a physical therapist.  While we operate under some of the same ideas and information, the underlying philosophy is different.  In the right situation, we do work very well together and can greatly augment each other's work.

As a chiropractor, we are trained to do rehab in most of our colleges, but not all of them.  Also, state licensing differs greatly.  Where I am, it is very common, but not many chiropractors choose to do this, especially since physical therapists are so common.

As for the sports field, the answer is no, you don't, but I would highly recommend it.  Additional knowledge is always helpful, but don't let it hold you back.  When I began as a team doc, I had no additional training in sports, but began taking classes.  Some information was new, but most of it was merely review---but then, my education was very good and I try to stay very current.  As for getting into the position, well, that may be harder.

Especially in sports, combining chiropractic and physical therapy is a real winner, and can really boost performance a bunch.

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