QuestionI have been suffering with pain behind my knees. It started out during my monthly cycle, but now it just comes and goes and sometimes I feel it in my hand too. I am 33 years old with three children. I was wondering if this is chiropractors issue or should I go to general doctor?
AnswerHi Tina,
Your hand and knee are unrelated unless you have a more serious condition, e.g. multiple sclerosis or a brain lesion. While these are not likely, and I would assume that you simply have knee pain and also separately related hand pain, it is worth getting checked out. A chiropractor with training in sports medicine and/or extremity issues is a good place to start. If the DC feels that your symptoms are not related to musculoskeletal issues, e.g. you have an internal illness, then you should see your general practitioner for further diagnostics. Three kids is also a reason to have aches and pains...
'Hope this was helpful.
Dr. G
p.s. sorry for the delay in responding. I was away last week.