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chronic hamstring strain/rotated pelvis
9/26 8:57:57

My daughter aged 16 has had 6 months of chronic hamstring strains on her left hamstring, due to playing soccer.  She has an anteriorly rotated pelvis, and has had many physio appointments, but keeps reinjurying herself.  They keep telling her to strengthen her core, which she isn't really spending much time doing.  She is in excellent shape otherwise and is a high level athlete and also plays alot of volleyball.  Is there something a chiropractor could do,as this is getting very frustrating for her and could possibly end her soccer career.  They have given her a self correction technique to realign her pelvis, but she rarely can feel her pelvis out of alignment until her hamstring starts to hurt.  I would appreciate your expert opinion!!!!  


Your daughter appears to have two problems, one compounding the other: chronic hypertonicity (muscular "tightness") resulting from athletics, and a failure to appropriately stretch and perform self-rehabilitative exercises.

In fairness, some research exists to suggest that stretching does not offer athletes increased protection against injury, but this does not mean that people prone to muscle tightness shouldn't stretch.

A chiropractor could certainly help with stretching and treating tight muscles, as well as performing pelvic/spinal adjustments/manipulation if needed, but unless your daughter is willing to spend the time to perform the appropriate rehabilitative exercises, the problem will most likely re-occur, regardless of the method of treatment.

The true test would be to have your daughter diligently follow through with the recommended self-correction techniques and exercises that she has been taught for a few months, and to note any improvements in her condition.

I hope that this answer was of help to you.

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