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Sales Pitch
9/26 8:57:17

I went to a chiropractor a couple of days ago using a coupon he had in the paper. We got x-rays for only $27.00 then returned the following day and paid $40.00 for an adjustment. He explained to us that we (my husband and I) needed to come in for regular treatments. He asked us back this afternoon to review our x-rays with us and we wound up sitting through a group meeting with several other people to learn about chiropractic verses "medical model". This turned out to be a sales pitch to get us to buy his "insurance" so that we could all come in and if we didn't purchase the plan then we couldn't be patients of his. His plan was $2900.00 for me, $1450.00 for my husband and he insisted that we add my nine year old son for only $725.00. This was to be for a year and included 2  re-x-rays, 100 adjustments, and exercise plan. He wanted this payment up front. Is this average for chiropractors? He told us that we couldn't put a price on him saving our lives and that he was doing this for God and not the money. Sounds like the money to me. He had a brand new Corvette sitting in the parking lot...doesn't care about the money? I think I offended him by telling him that we weren't in the class of people that could afford his plan and he got irritated with us and asked us if our house note and car payments were more important than him saving our lives? He even suggested us taking out a second mortgage on the home we just purchased! I was wondering if we over reacted or was this really as ridiculous as we felt it was?


I suggest that you exit that office as quickly as you can.  Also consider sending a letter describing this situation to your state's licensing board.  Yes! It is really as ridiculous as you felt it was.  That chiropractor is an embarrassment to us mainstream providers.   Please see previous Q/A's on this web site regarding how to find a good quality DC.  

'Best regards,

Dr. G

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