Questiona month and a half ago i bruised my lung landing akward in the waer from a 20ft jump. i had a chest xray and and 2 ct scans of the chest and my lung has since healed. i recently started seeing a chiropracter for pain in my arm and shoulder down to my fingers, he said i got whiplash when i landed. although the pain and tingling has been greatly reduced, my right armpit and breast area recieve quick sharp pain ring towards the center of my chest. i can press on a narea of my breast and trigger the pain slightly as well, i am a 26 year old male, who hasn' smoked ciggerettes sine my lung injury. do think this pain in the chest could be a result of my whiplash?
thanks for your time
AnswerHi Nick,
I think the neck and chest pain correlate directly with a neck injury given the history. My concern is that you are getting the proper care. Is your doctor actively decompressing the cervical spine using a towel, pneumatic device, traction pulley system or manually?
I also need to know the results of the cervical CT and if they entertained the idea of a cervical MRI. I would think that a MRI would be done by now.
Once I find out more info, if you wish I will direct you to a physician in your area or town that is an expert in treating and fixing these conditions.
Let me know and I will follow up ASAP.
Dr. Timothy Durnin