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stress fractures
9/26 8:56:59

QUESTION: Dr. Newhart,
I am a competitive runner/triathlete, and have experienced repetitive stress fractures (mainly in tibia, fibula, or heels) the past 5 years. How can chiropractic care help me overcome or improve this problem?

ANSWER: In keeping the spine aligned, the mechanics of the spine, hips, and legs would be corrected.  It MAY reduce the amount of stress fractures.  Also, you may want to try a nutritional approach, "feeding" the bones to improve their recovery time.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I do "feed" my bones more than adequately, and have been thoroughly checked by an endocrinologist, and nutritionist. There were deficiencies in my diet in the past, but all have been fixed.
In terms of chiropractic care and adjustments, what sort of key things would you look for in someone with a history of repetitive stress fractures? Could this be an issue that stems from a hip mis-alignment (SI, sacrum, etc...), or is it more likely an issue that stems from the feet?

I appreciate all your insight.

Without being able to do a physical examination on you it would be difficult to say what your particular problem is.  It can range anywhere from misalignment in the hips,SI, knees, feet, leg length discrepancy, etc.  You may want to have all of these evaluated, and x-rays would be a must

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