QuestionQUESTION: I@ve recently been told that i have an extra set of clavicle bones as I have been experiencing problems with a stiff neck after a road traffic accident.How will this affect my life?
ANSWER: Did you just acquire this "extra set of clavicle bones"? This sounds like you are having trouble after a trauma, and therefore you should be seen by a doctor of straight chiropractic who focuses solely on correcting vertebral subluxations, this will help you a great deal with your situation.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: NO!! I only became aware of this after i had physio for whiplash.My sister has a couple of extra ribs so I suppose it could be come kind of congenital abnormality,I just wondered if it could become a problem as I get older.Thanks x
AnswerExactly, the problem is not the clavicle bones, it is the after effects of the trauma that was suffered. Physiotherapy after a car accident only helps treat the effects and does not address the cause. Again, you will need to visit a doctor of straight chiropractic that corrects vertebral subluxations and help your body to heal itself.