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Severity of condition?
9/26 8:56:28

Hi Dr. Gillman,

Thanks very much for fielding this question. If I can do anything for you regarding real estate title (my profession) or relationships (1 year on and ready to create a web site) I'd be happy to help.

I'm 41, slender and fit. Picked up a nasty cold over the weekend and slept most of it away. When I woke up, went to the couch and was talking on the phone. Then got up to put a twist tie on a bag of garbage. Did not even lift the bag but when I stood up, a sharp, shooting pain went through my back, the lower left part of my back.

What happened?

For two days it hurt, off the spine, on just the lower left side of my back. Now three days later, it no longer hurts there. Instead, it is searing pain centered on my tailbone and on the upper part of my left buttock.

Crossing my legs, putting on socks, standing up, sitting down or stretching while in bed, getting into the car, well, extremely painful!

Surprisingly, I can walk fine, with only minimal wincing.

Will this heal itself or have I really hurt myself significantly?

Thanks very much. If I can offer anything in return to you, would be willing to do so.



You may have developed an adhesion in/around your lower back or pelvic joints from lying around with that cold.  The sacro-iliac (SI) joints are pelvic joints below the base of your spine and if they hang-up or malfunction then it can become quite painful.   With SI joint pain, crossing one leg over the knee of the other can be unbearable.   So long as you don't have pain radiating way down into the calf or foot, then odds are you don't have anything serious.  If your pain doesn't alleviate in a few days, then I'd suggest going to the chiropractor like many others do when they have your type of condition and getting your spine examined and worked on.  At 41, slender and fit, there's little reason to take xrays and you should respond well to treatment.  

'Hope this helps.

Dr. G

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