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Chiropractic practices
9/26 8:56:02

I have been going to a chiropractor 3 times a week for 3 months. The chiropractor does the same few techniques which manipulate my spine. Is there any techniques to provide adjustments for my pelvis and leg areas, mostly my hip joints? Is it safe, and would you recommend adjustments 3 times a week? Would you say this is normal or overkill? Also I am worried about the possibility of adjustments causing damage such as torn or sprained muscles, ligaments, or tendons and pinched nerves?


3 times a week for 3 months, if doing the same thing and getting no results, would be inappropriate.  There are adjustment for the pelvis and legs; all completely safe.  Again, I would not recommend 3 times a week for that long with no results.  Adjustments, when done properly, are completely safe to the ligaments and muscles, and should cause no problems.  If you aren't having relief, you may want to try a new chiropractor.

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