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chronic back and neck popper
9/26 8:56:00


I've been popping my neck and back for 40 years (I am now 44 years of age). For the past year or two my joints seem to be "all popped out."  Popping my neck seemed to relieve tension. Same with my back (and every other joint). I always have my husband pop my back. My neck, however, I have always done myself. Okay, now to my question:  I am not familiar with spinal/cranial nerves and am wondering if my chronic neck popping (I seem to try even harder and more often now that it won't pop) might be causing these problems I am having. These include: Occasional parasthesias in my face - chin and tongue (cold sensation) and now of late, lip twitching. When my neck used to pop it was way up high, about the level of my earlobes.  Could a disc now be pressing on a cranial nerve or something?
Please advise...and thank you so much for your help.
PS:  Do you think a chiropractor could still pop my back/neck even though my joints seem to be dried out?

"Popping" your joints normally is not bad...however, the spine misaligns in a backward motion primarily (according to the angulation of the joints).  We CANNOT put it back ourselves, and do it properly.  Popping relieves tension in the joints, and set off a bio mechanical and biochemical cascade...all lead to an increase in mobility temporarily.  You may want to see a chiropractor, and have xrays.  These will help determine what exactly needs fixing, and if there is any damage underlying

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