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back pain from fall
9/26 8:54:21

Hi,  I hope you can help me, i had a fall  2 months and a half ago, I was ice skating, someone pushed me , Ihit my back on the ice, since then I had alot of pain in my lower back, I took antiinflamatories for a month or so, I massaged  a little  bit of  deep heat, can yuo tell me what I could do and  if this could be a pulled muscle?


Despite not knowing details about your age, physique, or other parameters, suffice it to say you had, at best, a simple strain to the muscles/tendons/fascia of your back, or a sprain to the ligaments that hold your bones together (or the combination = "sprain/strain").   At worst, you fractured a bone in your back.  If you are an older female, possibly osteopenic, and lack a lot of muscle, fracture to the spine is a possibility.   You first need an xray to rule this out.   Get this done at a hospital xray facility since they usually have the best equipment, as opposed to xray performed in a private doctor's office.  Then book an appointment with a chiropractor that can perform joint manipulation AND soft tissue work.  This should help.  If you did fracture a bone, then the antiinflammatory med's will impair the healing.  

'Hope this helps.

Dr. G

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