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Back pain &soreness from visits
9/26 8:54:09

I have lower back pain that occurs about twice a year when my back goes out and I can barely move.  Several years ago I got it under control with diet and exercise....I need to work on it again.  I normally just took it easy and within a week or so I was better.  Anyways, I'm not thrilled with the idea in the first place, but a family member convinced me to see a chiropractor last week since I was in a lot of pain and leaning to one side.  I have had three treatments in six lower back is much better; however, I am experiencing some tightness & soreness around my ribs, chest, and stomach area...and also my back is tight/sore from the waist up, shoulder blades and shoulders are also sore.  It feels like someone is constantly squeezing me.  I also just don't feel like myself.  I am having a hard time relaxing, focusing...I am jittery....I'm just not myself.  I have even been emotional (crying) for no reason. My sleeping pattern has changed...hard time sleeping...sleep for about 2-3 hours and then I'm awake for awhile in the middle of the night before I finally fall back asleep.  I told the Dr. about this and the response was this sometimes happens with the adjustments and the nerves not connecting.  I don't want to continue treatment since I have never experienced this before; even though this is the first time I have seen a Chiro for treatment.  I feel like in the long run that I'm worse off now than laying low for a week until my back gets better...which is what I have always done in the past. What do you suggest?  Thank You.

Dear "S",

I'm curious about what kind of "treatments" you're receiving.  If it's standard hands-on joint manipulation, then it is possible that you are experiencing joint or muscular strain from the treatment.  Pressing with any force from back to front on the middle of the back can cause strain to the ribs and sternum, especially in older, stiffer folks.  The goal of anyone's care is to make you better.  If you are not tolerating treatment, then you must discuss this with your DC.  For some folks, they need lighter or less forceful joint manipulation, or they need heat prior or massage blended in with it. Often, massage or other soft tissue procedure can ward off odd post treatment soreness.   My suggestion is to get some massage and heat. If you will not go back to that DC, which is quite understandable since he has not thoroughly addressed your situation, then seek out another that can understand your situation and provide a thorough assessment of what is causing your symptoms.  Your GP can also provide some advice in the event that you have other issues going on that are causing emotional reactions.  

'Hope this was helpful.

Dr. G

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