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hiatial hernia adjustment during pregnancy
9/26 8:53:55

My chiropractor says that I have a hiatal hernia.  I am presently 29 weeks pregnant & he did the hiatal hernia "stomach" push ~ where he pressed his hands into and below my last rib on my left side and push down repeatedly.   It was pretty uncomfortable (not painful) ~ just difficult to breath... but, I'm also pregnant.   Is this safe to do during pregnancy ?  Is there any risk to the baby when doing this ??  I worry a lot ~ but it just seems a little risky

Hello Colleen,

Congratulations on your baby coming soon!  I hope the pregnancy is going well, and NOT causing you too much discomfort.

As I have said often in this website, Doctors of Chiropractic (DCs), are similar to Doctors of Medicine (MDs) with additional training in 'specialties'.  I have an interest and advanced training in nutrition (CCN) and sports injuries and fitness (DACBSP).  There are also courses and additional credentials in other specialty areas.  There is a chiropractic pediatric specialty.

I do not hold a pediatric specialty credential, some chiropractors do.  I am not saying that to treat a specific particular condition that your family Doctor of Chiropractic has to have additional credentials, but if a fellow DC had additional training in an area over and above my training, I would certainly weigh their opinion highly in treatment decisions in their specialty.

I do treat children and pregnant ladies in my office.  I have a table which has an abdominal swing away segment that allows pregnant ladies a comfortable placement upon their stomach.  I have adjusted pregnant women literally up to the day before they deliver.  Chiropractic adjustments seem to make for more comfortable pregnancies and easier labor and delivery.  For your spinal health, comfort, a drugless approach, overall improved health, and an easier pregnancy, labor and delivery I would recommend to continue seeing the chiropractor.

For me, in my office, and it does depend upon the patient, the way she is carrying, the size of the abdomen, carrying high, carrying low; I may or may not do the hiatal hernia soft tissue adjustment.  Perhaps the way you are carrying (low?), perhaps your DC has additional training in pediatrics/ pregnancy; the doctor felt comfortable doing the maneuver.  I probably would not have, but I do not have the additional training and additional confidence in that situation.

Chiropractic, physical 'medicine', body work is very safe.  Mechanical pressure, physical maneuvers will probably not harm your baby.  It would take a lot of force to cause a problem.  Certainly,pay attention to your own body, certainly communicate to your treating doctor your concerns, but I think the liklihood of complication is very, very low.  Compared to chemical approaches to health (medicines), physical maneuvers are usually much safer.

As always, this article is for discussion purposes only.  Information, education, discussion to start a thought process.  Proper evaluation, DX, TX, RX, PX can only be appropriately made by a treating health professional in person.

Again, congratulations! Good luck and Good Health Naturally -to you and the baby!

Victor Dolan, DC, CCN, DACBSP  (email newsletter)

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