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Severe low / mid back / leg pain/burning
9/26 8:53:28

OK...long story...Eight years ago I stood up from the table, turned to the right to grab something and heard a snap, and felt a pain shoot through my back and right leg.
Previous mid back compression fracture, as well as one just above the tailbone. Both were stable at 30% compression until this happened. They are now at 50% compression.
I have tried many chiropractors, deep muscle massage therapy which was holding me at a plateau as long as I went for 3 one hour sessions per week, in conjunction with 3 chiro appointments per week. I was a walking bruise for three months.
I've been sent for CT scans, MRI's, ultrasounds, all kinds of tests. I've been told that everything is normal, but I have copies of the reports that I keep in my file at home.  There are subluxations, scoliosis, compressions, and other diagnosis written.  I've had second and third opinions on the films. My chiropractors have pointed out the scoliosis, amongst other things.
I've tried physio, stretching, swimming, and the cortisone shots(which I told my doctors have no effect, but they want to keep trying again and again, because "everybody can feel the benefits, you're just not giving it a chance."
I've tried naturopathic, in addition to mainstream medical.
When this happened, I was with my abusive, controlling and cheating ex-husband. I knew I had to leave. I hoped that it would go away or ease up when I left him, thinking that it was persisting because of the stress.  Nope! It just kept getting worse.
I've been cut off Disability Insurance. My ex stopped paying my support payments. I have no money, no options, and now am having a really hard time affording my pain meds.
On top of everything else, my right leg has shortened over the eight years to the point of being 3 inches shorter than the left now. The tingles, zingers and numbness are getting worse throughout my back and down my right leg. Now I have the severe burning sensation all over my back, and my right leg swells up throughout the day to twice the size of my left foot when it's bedtime. I can no longer visit the chiropractor on a weekly basis, like I have been through this entire time period.
I've gained 30 pounds over this timeframe because I can't move without pain, but now because of not having money for food and meds, I've lost 15 in the last 1.5 months.
Can anyone help me figure this out? Please???

Hello Kristine,

Sorry to hear of your health and situation.

On the health aspect:  Compression Fractures ?  Osteoporosis ?
Are you in your 70's ?  Why these compression fractures?  What is the underlying pathology that HAS to be addressed first?

Compression fractures,,, WITH cortisone injections ????
Cortisone is a great anti-inflammatory and great painkiller.
Cortisone also demineralizes bones, tendons, ligaments.  This results in weaker bones, weaker joints.  Did they do cortisone injections anywhere near the compression fractures ??

Scoliosis, spine pain, spinal problems.  Chiropractic has many different treatment options.  Some treatments in a HEALTHY person can almost be like exercise- quite vigorous, even 'strenuous'.  But in a different patient soft tissue approaches like SOT, craniosacral, activator along with nutrition and adjunctive physiotherapy may be the treatment route of choice.

No income?  I am not an expert on medicare/ medicaid / social security disability , but I have many patients who are disabled and able to get by with various city, state, federal help avenues.  I hope you search these paths for income/ health insurance help.  Free health care is available throughout the USA, just look for the right program in your state.

I hope this helps.  Get to your local family Doctor of Chiropractic, your complaints sound like something chiropractic could help.

I wish you luck and Good Health Naturally !

Dr. Victor Dolan, DC    (email newsletter)

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