Iam 30 years old and two kids, 7 and 3. Iam having sciatica pain in my left leg for quite some time after my first delivery since the pain has increased I went to a chiropractor. Iam a normal lady no sports no hard works. I had only left leg pain when I went to dr. She suggested me to take a decompression course and started right on my first visit. she said I will have pain in my neck and back as if I had started excersing. Its almost 30 visits now Iam always in pain from head to toe and sciatica has become worse and have upper back pain and knee pain too, Dr. says different reasons like wheather, my periods donno where this is leading Iam very much scared of my health, not able to do my routine work or takecare of my children and house. My insurance coverage is over after my 24 visits and Iam paying a lot beyond my capacity just to get cured. please advise on this.
AnswerHello Vij,
You may want to see a Doctor of Chiropractic as we specialize in the biomechanics of the spinal column and all joints in the human body. Obviously your sciatic nerve has impingement, this can occur at the vertebrae, muscle, scar tissue, any where along its pathway. You may want to have a MRI of the lumbar spine to see exactly where the impingement exists. If you are loosing muscle strength and mass you will want to consult a orthopedic surgeon ASAP!
Have a great day,
Dr. Brendon O'Brien D.C.