Based on xrays from my chiropractors over the years, I understand I have a straight neck rather than having the normal c curve. I have been suffering from major muscle pain/headaches from this when I am tired or after exercise. I am going to a chiropractor who does adjustments and some traction using a device she puts behind my neck and she then pulls upon. She hasn't set me up with regular appointments but tells me to come in when I can. How often should I be seen and is this the correct traction for this problem? Thank you.
AnswerHello Linda,
Sorry to hear of your problem, sorry to hear of lack of progress.
There are certain exercises, certain movements, certain postures, certain adjustments that should be utilized to restore your curve.
Easy step: sleep with an orthopedic cervical support pillow. Your pillow should be thicker at the neck and thinner at the head. Almost like a pillow with a crater or cradle low spot for the head- support the neck.
Along the same lines; roll up a towel or use the cervical pillow for an exercise: Place the neck support under your supine neck, bring your neck down into the pillow towards the table, strengthen your extensor muscles, stretch the neck into extension. Work on the thoracic spine: place a towel roll under your supine spine, between the shoulder blades, let your back rest and stretch over the towel roll.
Changing the curve is difficult and controversial. Some chiropractors think it cannot be done, some think it should not be done, most think it should be done and can be done.
Perhaps your Doctor of Chiropractic should also be doing a prone C5 PST toggle move to restore the curve (p > a thrust, prone, C5, drop headpiece).
The straightened curve is a cause of headache, spasm, fatigue, pain.
I would recommend the exercises daily and adjustments once per week for a period of time.
Good Luck,
Dr. Victor Dolan, DC (email newsletter)