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Bad back, chest and neck pain
9/26 8:52:58

QUESTION: Last night I was running on the treadmill at the gym and i heard a loud cranking / popping noise in the middle of my upper back, near my shoulder blades.
Since then i have been in constant pain, when i bend down it runs a pain across my upper back and when i am sitting down it is so uncomfortable, also when i take a deep breath in it hurts my back and chest. The only time i am comfortable is when i lay down.
I have been to the docs he has given me a muscle relaxant and told me to take pain killers as it is a muscle spasm, i am worried there is something more to it due to the amount of pain, i am 25 years old and frightened! help!

ANSWER: Hello Jennie,

Subluxations of the ribs can be very painful, this could have happened while running.  The ribs insert directly into the vertebrae (spine), when the move out of place the joint capsule (Ligaments) can be torn or stretched.  Often the pain will radiate around to the front of the chest where the ribs insert on the sternum.  Chiropractic adjustments (aligning the rib properly) can be painful when the joint is swollen, but they reduce tension on the joint/spine and nerves and may provide immediate relief.  This allows for a faster recovery.  Often soft tissue work is performed directly over the affected joint to further reduce tension and pain.  You may want to ice after treatments and exercise to help reduce swelling.  You may want to avoid any exercise that cause pain.  You should be able to make a full recovery and resume  back to your normal activities and work.  

Have a great day,
Dr. Brendon O'Brien D.C.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: what would the popping noise be? and is it anything to worry about?

Hello Jennie,

   The popping sound can be from the costovertebral joint moving out of place.  When the joint moves, gas is released from the joint causing the popping sound.  Also tendons can snap over the joint or each other causing a similar sound/feeling.

Have a great day,
Dr. Brendon O'Brien D.C.

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