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back and stomach pain
9/26 8:52:41

hi, the problem i have started to get noticeable about 3 or 4 months ago. my back, specifically my mid back aches throughout the day some days, and others not so much. as soon as it starts to ache my stomach (upper, just by my ribs) starts paining me as well. it can range from a little painful, to full out agony. i have started seeing a chiro, and he reckoned at first it was my "t12" that may be messing with my nerve in my stomach that controls the stomach acid or something. im just after having my 5th session with him. and after the massage, the pain seems to subside, but comes back full force in about half and hour after. ive narrowed it down to the fact that my stomach only gets out of hand when my back aches. also i have trouble sleeping because of my stomach unless i am able to relax my right arm at certain angles. even then its guaranteed to wake me at least twice a night for an hour or 2.  any help or insight into this would be greatly appreciated


Hi rob,

I have as lot of the same troubles.  The spine/nerve part of the problem may take a while to rehabilitate.  The doc should give you posture and exercise ideas for at home to facilitate the healing.

As a side light, a lot of my trouble comes from too much carbohydrate.  That is any sugar or starch.  Whether in drinks, food or snacks.

Don't know if this will help you at all.  But hang in there and discuss all of this with the doc directly.  

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