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neck soreness and crepitus
9/26 8:51:54

I've been going to a chiropractor for about 2 months now.  The original reason I started going was for some rib pain which has not gotten much better.  About a week ago I started having neck soreness and crepitus, neither of which I've ever had before.  The chiro is a Network Chiropractor so he is very gentle and does not do the type of manipulations regular chiropractors do, so I don't know if anything he did is causing it, but I just find it odd that I'm suddenly having these problems I never had before.  Do you think I should stop going there?


"Network" is not a mainstream method in chiropractic.  It is the esoteric, unsubstantiated, dogmatic method of one guy who has developed a following of, in my opinion, misguided and naive practitioners.   It is, by evidence-based standards, not a valid approach to musculoskeletal problems.  With all the research and knowledge about the benefits of standard joint manipulation, why would you choose to go to a chiropractor that fails to offer it?   Regardless of the methods used, if you are not getting better then it must be questioned.  And that goes for chiropractic methods, PT, drugs, acupuncture, etc.  If you cannot find relief, or at least some steady progress within two weeks, then something's wrong.  

'Hope this helps.

Dr. G

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