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Back pain and hip pain + General aches
9/26 8:51:17


Nearly 2 days ago, I was playing football and running at top speed (Well as fast as I can run!!), when I felt a huge clunk in my back.  It was almost as if something snapped.  I lost all the speed in my legs and they have never been the same since.  

I get pain at the base of my spine daily.  I have a general feeling of stiffness.  After about 6 months, I started getting shooting pains into my hip.  They were happening very infrequently at first, but in the last 6 weeks have been happening more often.  Also generally, my joints have started to ache.  I have aches now in most of my major joints.

Hope you can give me some guidance!!

I'm a 32 year old male.



This is certainly an abnormal finding that no one should go through in their LIFE, especially such a young adult such as yourself.  There is no question that you have an unstable spine that needs to be re-aligned properly and by the proper expert.  Before we go any further, let me ask you, Have you had any injury in the last 15 years that might stand out to you?  Car accident, ski accident, major fall, got into a fight, knocked unconscious, football injury, etc.?
Something happened in your LIFE to speed this destructive process up and I would like to what and when before we proceed.  Thank you.

Yours in Best Health,
Dr Arnone
Upper Cervical Specific Doctor
St Louis, MO

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