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Numbness in my lower leg
9/26 8:51:10

Okay, one day I was scaring my little dog that was sleeping on the couch and next thing I new my big dog came and pouched right into my right knee. When that happened it hurt really bad but a few minutes later I didn't even notice it. The next day when i woke up starting from my knee halfway down my lower leg on the right side was numb. It has been for about 2 days know. What can you tell me on what is wrong with it. It feels numb to the touch but when I'm standing on it I don't really notice except I can't feel my leg bend even though I know it is. I've never had this feeling in my leg and its a mystery.

Dear Angel,

I think you have probably injured the peroneal nerve in the lower leg.  It is vulnerable to compression injury on the outside of the leg around the knee, and if your big dog ran into you at that location it is very possible that the nerve was compressed...or is at least inflamed.

The peroneal nerve is a branching of the sciatic nerve, which supplies movement and sensation to the lower leg, foot and toes. Common peroneal nerve dysfunction is a type of peripheral neuropathy (damage to nerves outside the brain or spinal cord).  Decreased sensation, numbness or tingling at the top of the foot...Weakness of the ankles or feet or walking abnormalities are common symptoms.

Bottom line here is that even if the nerve has been compressed and injured, if you have not lost motor function to the leg (or the ability to control the muscles), then the injury is less severe and has a better chance for full recovery.

I would recommend that you get to the doctor and have your leg examined to check not only the sensory functions, but the motor function as well as the deep tendon reflexes.  This will provide information to the doctor to properly diagnose th34 injury.  They may want to order an NCV study as well to determine if the nerve has lost conduction ability which means that it cannot send information as fast as it is supposed to, or if it has lost function.  This will provide you with the most complete diagnosis and prognosis for recovery.

Hope this helps Angel.

Dr. J. Shawn Leatherman  

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