QuestionFor a long time now I have a shoulder pain, Its on my left shoulder, and it feels like its beneath the middle deltoid muscle. I weight traing regularly, and before my shoulder workout I make sure I stretch correctly and my shoulder workout routine consist of the following execises (from first to last performed):
1) Dumbbell Presses
2) Lying Dumbbell presses (palms faceing each other, and elbows bent next to body)
3)Pec Dec Rear Delt Laterals, and finally Low Pulley Lateral Rises
the problem is that any excerise with weight i attempt where I have to raise the lateral to the sides of my body i get this sharp main. (it feels like some sort of inflamation because with low reps exercises the pain does not comes as quickly as with high reps)
so the question is, what can I do to reduce the pain and what exercise can I attempt instead of the lateral raises ?
thanks a lot, Jonathan Davis
Answershoulder pain
Hello Jonathan Davis,
Sorry to hear of your shoulder pain, your middle deltoid pain.
That middle deltoid pain is your body talking to you. Listen.
Something is wrong somewhere, and rather then working around this, why not find out what it is and fix it.
The pain may be intrinsic to your deltoid, you need an evaluation to prove/ disprove this. The pain may be referred or radiated to your deltoid, you need an evaluation to prove/ disprove this.
Years ago I myself had middle deltoid pain. It was my rotator cuff, my supraspinatus muscle. I visited my friend Chiropractor, and over time, he fixed me. I have seen many cases in my office where that middle deltoid pain is referred from somewhere else,,,, often a tendinitis from the rotator cuff.
Rather then working around this, I recommend seeing a Doctor for an evaluation and possible treatment for your complaint. I would recommend a Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) with an additional credential, such as the CCSP or DACBSP designation (sports injury).
An information handout I give my Staten Island Shoulder Pain patients may be informative to you:
Pain is a 憆ed light on the dashboard?
Pain is your body telling you that something is wrong.
That RED LIGHT on the dashboard of your car-
-- do you ignore it until the car breaks down, or do you get it checked and correct the problem?
pain in your body-
-- do you ignore it until your body breaks down, or do you get it checked and correct the problem?
do you cover up the pain by taking a painkiller?
Take a painkiller, mask the pain, and allow a problem to progress in your body?
Label changes ORDERED by FDA; the FDA announced proposed label changes for OTC over-the-counter pain relievers to include the potential for stomach bleeding and liver damage (FDA news 206- 207; 12-9-06) ;
The American Heart Association issued a scientific statement recommending medical doctors change the way they prescribe OTC pain relievers from a first choice to an alternate of recommending non-pharmacologic treatment (AHA statement 2-26-07).
NSAID Acceleration of ARTHRITIS; an important side effect of Aspirin and other NSAIDS is that it will inhibit cartilage repair and accelerate cartilage destruction ( Journal of Rheumatology, 1982; 9: 3- 5 ). Many times people take NSAIDS for the pain of Arthritis, not realizing these drugs may make the underlying condition worse. These medications cover up the pain, and cause the problem to worsen.
Pain can often be the result of the Vertebral Subluxation Complex.
Vertebral Subluxation ( 慥SC?, 憇ubluxation? )
Vertebral Subluxation is actually a quite common condition.
Doctors of Chiropractic look for pathological conditions which may require referral to other specialties, and also look for 慡ubluxation? Other disciplines look for pathology, but overlook the importance of alignment and movement in the spine which affects our nervous system (the master control system- ALL health disciplines learn this). VSC- 慡ubluxation??can be the cause of many symptoms and conditions.
Only a Doctor of Chiropractic will evaluate and treat for VSC, as well as other pathology.
The course of VSC is highly variable. Some patients with VSC literally cannot walk, yet other patients with similar test findings may be able to run marathons or lift heavy weights. Some patients immediately develop symptoms related to the VSC, some patients take years to develop symptoms. Some people suffer for only a few days with pain and symptoms, some people suffer for months. Some people recover in days, some take months or years, depending upon severity of the condition.
A subluxation interferes with the proper functioning of the nervous system (the master system which controls and coordinates all function within the body) and may cause various other conditions, symptoms and problems.
The Vertebral Subluxation Complex describes what happens when spinal bones lose their normal movement patterns and position. When subluxated, joints are in a stressed, vulnerable, compromised condition. Subluxation may cause Arthritis, Disk Herniation, or aggravate such conditions.
Vertebral Subluxation cannot be corrected through chemicals (medicine), stretching, yoga, vitamins or physical therapy alone. Subluxation- a neuro/skeletal/muscular- mechanical- problem requires a mechanical correction- - - a manipulation, best performed with the chiropractic adjustment.
Dr. Victor E. Dolan, Doctor of Chiropractic; Diplomat, American Chiropractic Board of Sport Physicians; Diplomat, American Academy of Pain Management; Certified Clinical Nutritionist (IAACN); FIRST Chief of Chiropractic in a Hospital in New York State (DHSI); As Seen in PREVENTION Magazine
Information that mey help you:
similar questions/ answers:
I have given you a lot of information, but if you still have questions, do not hesitate to re-contact me here at .
I wish you good luck and good health naturally,
Dr. Victor Dolan, DC (Email newsletter)