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slip disc,compression
9/26 8:49:27

this is sania khan,im 24 and delivered a child at April 21 2008 through LSCS operation,now im suffering from severe back pain,legs pain more left leg and a bulge on it,and sudden pain on left leg while having sex.from neck to bottom i have severe pain.i consulted physiotherapist i took MRI.result have compression on nerve and a slip disc.dr called for 12 days for treatment and then follow exercise and yoga,please let me know early as what to do.

sciatica, Staten Island Sciatica, back pain, herniated disc

Hello Ania Khan,

Sorry to hear of your back pain.

Congratulations on your new baby!

You have to help me.  I am not familiar with 'LSCS operation', if my answer is not satisfactory--- REcontact me here at  
and explain/ describe that terminology.

When I went to Chiropractic school- 30 years ago now- we had MANY students from around the world, Europe, Japan, and in particular; all of the former English colonies-  Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, India.  Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa was the FIRST Chiropractic college, at the time I attended- the largest Chiropractic college in the world, and regarded by many as the best chiropractic college in the world.  I am sure you could find a Doctor of Chiropractic in your major metropolitan areas.

You can see,,, I am recommending an evaluation and possible treatment through a Doctor of Chiropractic.

Physiotherapy is good, I prefer a 'physical medicine' approach to a 'physical medicine' problem such as a 'slipped disc', herniated disc, sciatica, subluxation, etc.  Outside of the United States, many medical practitioners use 'physical medicine' and manipulation to handle spinal problems.  If you cannot find a Doctor of Chiropractic,
perhaps you could find a Homeopath, Naturopath, Osteopath, or even a medical doctor who could treat your problem with techniques similar to chiropractic.

Reading your question, it sounds like you have a herniated disc with associated sciatica.

In my office I give out much information to my Staten Island Sciatica patients - here is some that may be helpful to you:


( Also Known As-   neuritis,  neuralgia,  sciatic-radiculitis   ) (pain down the leg, with or without
back pain)

   Sciatica can be caused by many different things.  

Big, BAD, catastrophic things like a tumor or a cancer can cause
Sciatica (only a proper exam by a licensed doctor, like your Doctor of Chiropractic, or your family Doctor of Medicine, can evaluate
your signs and symptoms, and perhaps refer for testing).  

Big, bad things like a Herniated Disc, sciatica, possible fracture or dislocation can cause Sciatica (again, best evaluated by your DC or MD, and perhaps referral).  

Bad things, like  - Sprains, Strains, contusion, or Vertebral Subluxation Complex (all very efficiently diagnosed and treated by your Doctor Of Chiropractic.  

Sciatica can come from a motor vehicle accident, sport injury, slip, trip, fall, arthritis, lifting improperly, or even bad posture in standing, sitting or sleeping.  All of these things often have a Lumbar (Low Back) Vertebral Subluxation involved. Sometimes  we  can  wake  up  with  憇ciatica?  .... sometimes a slip, trip, fall, heavy lift, or even a motor vehicle accident can cause a 憇ciatica?  Frequently-  the true    c a u s e   of  the 憇ciatica?  = pain in the lower back, buttock(s), thigh, calf and/or foot (even to toes);  is a misalignment,  a  慿ink?in the back- more properly termed a Vertebral Subluxation.

摂Sciatica敂  is only  1/2  a diagnosis  ....   what is   causing   the sciatica?

              Vertebral   Subluxation   Complex    (a.k.a.  憇ubluxation?
The vertebral subluxation complex is often the underlying cause of sciatica and many healthcare problems.  A subluxation interferes with the proper functioning of the nervous system (the master system which controls and coordinates all function within the body) and may cause various other conditions, symptoms and problems.

This   (subluxation)  is a serious condition identified by its five parts:

    Spinal Kinesiopathology:
         This is fancy way of saying the bones of the spine have lost their normal motion and position. It restricts your ability to turn and bend. It sets in motion the other four components.

         Improper spinal function can choke, stretch, or irritate delicate nerve tissue. The resulting nerve system dysfunction can cause symptoms elsewhere in the body.

          Muscles supporting the spine can weaken, atrophy, or become tight and go into spasm. The resulting scar tissue changes muscle tone, requiring repeated spinal adjustments.

         A rise in temperature from an increase in blood and lymph supplies result in swelling and inflammation. Discs can bulge, herniate, tear, or degenerate. Other soft tissues may suffer permanent damage.

         The VSC contributes to OsteoArthritic degeneration. Bone spurs and other abnormal bony growths attempt to fuse malfunctioning spinal joints. This spinal decay, scar tissue, and long-term nerve dysfunction can cause other systems of the body to malfunction.
The Vertebral Subluxation Complex describes what happens when spinal bones lose their normal movement patterns and position.

         Automobile accidents, improper lifting, improper posture, alcohol, emotional stress, chemical imbalances, and long periods of sitting can cause the Vertebral Subluxation Complex.

          Vertebral  Subluxation  cannot be corrected through chemicals (medicine), stretching, yoga, vitamins or physical therapy alone.  Subluxation- a neuro/skeletal/muscular- mechanical- problem requires a mechanical correction-  -  -    a manipulation,     best performed with the chiropractic adjustment.  For good health- Treat the   Cause,  not just the Symptoms.


Disk   Herniation  

Low  Back  Pain  can be caused by many different things.  

Big, BAD, catastrophic things like a tumor or a cancer can cause low back pain (only a proper exam by a licensed doctor, like your Doctor of Chiropractic, or your family Doctor of Medicine, can evaluate your signs and symptoms, and perhaps refer for testing).  

Big, bad things like a Herniated Disc, sciatica, possible fracture or dislocation can cause LBP (again, best evaluated by your DC or MD, and perhaps referral).  

Bad things, like  - Sprains, Strains, contusion, or Vertebral Subluxation Complex (all very efficiently diagnosed and treated by your Doctor Of Chiropractic.   

Sometimes LBP is caused by a Herniated disc: Herniated  disk  is  actually  a  quite  common  condition.   However,  the course of the condition is highly variable.   Some patients with a herniated disk literally cannot walk, yet other patients with similar MRI findings may be able to run marathons or lift heavy weights.   

Some people suffer for only a few days with pain and symptoms, some people suffer for months. Although the course is highly variable, there are certain steps that are always helpful to follow:  Ice the area when painful-  10/ 15minutes on, 30/ 45 minutes off;  avoid certain postures and movements;  bend the knees when coughing or sneezing;  bend the knees when lifting anything;  do not extend legs straight out when sitting, laying down, lifting, or driving.

  Avoiding certain movements and postures will prevent aggravation of the condition.   

Practicing good postures and movement patterns will help the condition heal and be less painful. Disk  Herniation  is often caused by, or often  concurrent with the Vertebral Subluxation Complex.

         Vertebral   Subluxation   Complex    (a.k.a.  憇ubluxation?
The vertebral subluxation complex is the underlying cause of many healthcare problems.
A subluxation interferes with the proper functioning of the nervous system (the master system which controls and coordinates all function within the body) and may cause various other conditions, symptoms and problems.


To help with the pain of Sciatica, back pain, a Herniated disc- I recommend:

P.R.I.C.E. =    

P  protection.   R rest.   I  ice.   C  compression.   E  elevation.

Hurt  yourself ??  injury/ trauma/  bruise/ not even sure - - a broken bone ??

You should certainly get to the Doctor or trained health professional to be examined  if you think it  is  bad  enough.     BUT  in  the  meantime,  some  simple  steps  may  help.   


The  PRICE  protocol will usually help just about any musculoskeletal injury.

P = Protection;  protect the area from further injury- stop what you are doing, can you  pad  or bandage the area ? Tape the area? Do something to protect the area !

R = Rest;  rest the area as much as possible, if a part is damaged, give the body time to repair the area

I = Ice;  ice is a potent anti-inflammatory; it will slow swelling, help with pain control (ice is analgesic), place ice over cloth over the injured area for 5, 10 minutes, off the  injured area for 30 minutes; then back on again

C = Compression;  to help prevent swelling compression may be helpful- for example if it is an ankle, wrap the ankle with an ace bandage and ice the area.  Many body parts may not be applicable to compression.

E = Elevation; again to fight swelling and pain, raising the injured body part above the heart may be helpful- ie raise an ankle or knee, you lay down, raise the injured part

PRICE  may  help :    Sprains,  Strains,  musculo-skeletal injury,  bruise,  contusion

Sometimes  a slip, trip, fall, heavy lift, athletic injury, or a motor vehicle accident can cause a bump or bruise, sprain or strain.  Sometimes also involved with the injury is a vertebral subluxation (or other joint subluxation) (subluxation is a mechanical problem- of any joint- and requires a mechanical correction).  In the spine, a sprain/strain  is a misalignment,  a 慿ink?in the joint, a stretch of the muscles, tendons and/ or ligaments:- more properly termed a Vertebral Subluxation.   Sometimes symptoms can come immediately, sometimes days, weeks or even months later!- Well after the actual trauma !!!

         Spinal = Vertebral   Subluxation   Complex    (a.k.a.  憇ubluxation?  ;   ( subluxation COULD be any joint )
The vertebral subluxation complex is the underlying cause of many healthcare problems.

A  subluxation  interferes with the proper functioning of the nervous system  (the master system  which controls and coordinates all function within the body)  and may cause various other conditions, symptoms and problems.

This is a serious condition identified by its five parts:
    Spinal Kinesiopathology:
         This is fancy way of saying the bones of the spine have lost their normal motion and position. It restricts your ability to turn and bend. It sets in motion the other four components.
         Improper spinal function can choke, stretch, or irritate delicate nerve tissue. The resulting nerve system dysfunction can cause symptoms elsewhere in the body.
          Muscles supporting the spine can weaken, atrophy, or become tight and go into spasm. The resulting scar tissue changes muscle tone, requiring repeated spinal adjustments.
         A rise in temperature from an increase in blood and lymph supplies result in swelling and inflammation. Discs can bulge, herniate, tear, or degenerate. Other soft tissues may suffer permanent damage.
         Bone spurs and other abnormal bony growths attempt to fuse malfunctioning spinal joints. This spinal decay, scar tissue, and long-term nerve dysfunction can cause other systems of the body to malfunction.

The Vertebral Subluxation Complex describes what happens when spinal bones lose their normal movement patterns and position.
         Automobile accidents, improper lifting, improper posture, alcohol, emotional stress, chemical imbalances, and long periods of sitting can cause the Vertebral Subluxation Complex.
          Vertebral  Subluxation  cannot be corrected through chemicals (medicine), stretching, yoga, vitamins or physical therapy alone.  Subluxation- a neuro/skeletal/muscular- mechanical- problem requires a mechanical correction-  -  -    a manipulation,     best performed with the chiropractic adjustment.  For good health- Treat the   Cause,  not just the Symptoms.  Sprain/ strain/ bump/ bruise?= may result in subluxation of the nearby joint.  CORRECT the subluxation !!!!

Dr. Victor E. Dolan,   Doctor of Chiropractic;   Diplomat, American Chiropractic Board of Sport Physicians; Diplomat, American Academy of Pain Management; Certified Clinical Nutritionist (IAACN); FIRST  Chief of Chiropractic  in  a  Hospital  in  New York State (DHSI);  As  Seen  in  PREVENTION  Magazine


My Staten Island Sciatica patients also get some vitamin recommendations:

揚inched  Nerve?  ( Also Known As-  neuritis, neuralgia, brachial-neuritis, sciatica )

損inched nerve??is only ?a diagnosis,  WHAT is causing the 憄inch?
?That 損inch?has to be taken care of FIRST!---- See the Chiropractor!

As the 損inch??the MECHANICAL component of the problem, the CAUSE of the problem is being taken care of  through Chiropractic treatment, perhaps additional help would speed your return to health:

Nerve Health Support:
-----B complex containing thiamine, folic acid, B-12 and niacin is highly suggested for nerve support.  High dose
B-vitamins should only be taken at the advice of a licensed healthcare professional.
-----B-6 is lower in patients with neuropathy.  Vitamin B-6 reduces the glycosylation that can cause nerve damage.  Amounts greater than 200mg/day can cause neuropathy symptoms.
-----Calcium and magnesium are important for nerve conduction and as muscle relaxants.
-----A multi-vitamin/mineral supplement is suggested for comprehensive support.
-----Essential fatty acids are necessary for nerve health.  Essential fatty acids include omega-3 fatty acids (fish and flax oil) and omega-6 fatty acids (black currant seed oil, borage oil and evening primrose oil).
-----Proteolytic enzymes may be beneficial in neuritis for the inflammation.
-----Lecithin aids in nerve support.
-----Natural herbal remedies including passion flower, valerian, chamomile, scullcap and white willow bark may be helpful.
-----Eat a healthy diet.  Avoid foods that stimulate the nervous system such as caffeine, chocolate, refined sugars, soda pop and cigarettes.
-----Drink plenty of filtered water.
-----Chiropractic care is imperative to remove nerve irritation.
Joint Support:
-----Glucosamine sulfate helps strengthen joint integrity.  Glucosamine is effective in relieving joint pain associated with osteoarthritis.  Glucosamine's pain-relieving effects may be due to its cartilage-rebuilding properties.  These disease-modifying effects are not seen with simple analgesics and are of particular benefit.
-----MSM is known for its pain-relieving properties in such conditions as fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, bursitis, tendonitis, back pain and muscle soreness.  Not many clinical trials have been done using MSM, but clinical observations support the theory that MSM is beneficial in pain managment.
-----White willow is an antiinflammatory and analgesic agent.  White willow was used as far back as the Middle Ages to reduce pain and fevers.  The salicylates found in the white willow bark are responsible for the anti-inflammatory and anti-fever effects.  Acetylsalicylic acid, otherwise known as aspirin, is chemically similar to the salicylates.
-----Boswellia and turmeric (curcumin) are potent antiinflammatory herbs.  Curcumin may have similar action to aspirin.


I hope this all helps.  If you need further, do not hesitate to REcontact me at  .

Thank you for your question.

I wish you good luck and Good Health Naturally,

Dr. Victor Dolan, DC   (Email newsletter)  

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