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Biceps injury
9/26 8:48:59

I got an injury on my left biceps during a triceps work out.
I was using a Lying Barbell Extension Behind Head(maybe using more weight than I should).
The symptoms are;
a) Initially I had pain the all day in the biceps, started to take anti inflammatory, that removed the pain.
b) I couldn't flex the muscle because of the pain, however after the pain has disappeared, I can flex the muscle hard, but the biceps muscle doesn't pop out as in a normal situation, this is as if I do not have biceps muscle.
c) When I try to do a biceps workout, I can only lift as much as 10kg dumbbells(I used to lift 35kg)with pain.
d) When I try to lift a barbell, I have severe pain on my forearm and on the interior of the elbow.
e) Tried to do a forearm exercise and realized that I simply can not do it because of the pain and also I can't do force.

A incredible thing is that I can do triceps workouts with no pain, regardless of the weight...(I was expecting that I wouldn't as  ......

I would recommend seeing a musculoskeletal practitioner for evaluation. Depending on the availability of such practitioners on your region, this might be a chiropractor, a physiotherapist, or an orthopedist. It would be important to determine if you have a muscular strain versus a tear.  

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