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twisted my back over a week ago, still hurts
9/26 8:48:49

I was in a fourwheeler accident 10 days ago. when i fell i hit my back and my legs went back towards the right as i fell.. as that was happening i could hear my upper spine crack near my shoulder blade when i twisted. i got up just a little sore i can move all directions, but when i breathe, cough sneeze etc.. i have a really sharp pain in my upper back. i am a waitress so the only thing that has been keeping me going is taking 4 200mg motrin. once that wears off the pain comes back and at night when i go to lay down the pain takes my breathe away and in the morning the same thing, i have been keeping ice on it during the day and heat pad at night thinking it is a muscle but if this is a muscle strain wouldn't it heal at least within a week this has been going on for over a week i'm not sure what it could be or if it will heal on it's own. do you have any suggestions??

Hello Desiree,

   You may want to see a Doctor of Chiropractic.  The traumatic injury you suffered can subluxate (move out of place) the vertebrae and ribs causing extreme sharp pain.  Often this pain will radiate to the chest following the affected rib/s around the rib cage to the sternum.  Doctor's of Chiropractic are the only Doctors licensed to adjust the spine and any joint in the body.  Soft tissue work around the injury and a adjustment may greatly reduce your pain after the first treatment.  Continue to use ice not heat, as heat will bring in more inflammation and pain.

Have a great day,
Dr. Brendon O'Brien D.C.

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