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Spina Bifida and Gym exercises
9/26 8:48:48

I am a 54 year old woman quite fit and slim build, who has been recently advised by my GP to join a gym or something similar as I have high cholesterol and I am trying to avoid taking statins. So I joined a really good gym with personal trainer. (I am very keen to get a flatter tummy etc. also!)

Then I saw an orthopeadic surgeon because my left big toe and along the top tendon of my foot has been sort of painfully tingling with blunted sensations. After X rays he has diagnosed Spina Bifida Occulta and said there is nothing wrong with my foot and must be trapped nerves in a hole in my spine. I am waiting for an MRI scan and then he said maybe neurosurgery. I have had back pain for years, since my teens and always been fobbed off with pain killers (which don't really help!) I asked him for advice about what exercises I should avoid in the gym and was told I should do only what I can! Now as I'm very supple I used to do yoga and creative dance a few years back, it's hard for me to gauge what I should do as I have got used to back pain on a daily basis!

Can you possibly advise about exercise that I should avoid? I am really enjoying the gym and looking forward to a more toned body (especially flatter tummy!) but the gym are having trouble accessing any research for appropriate exercises for me and reticent to accept responsibilty for my exercise programme.

Many thanks

Mrs Jan Haddock, LLandudno, Conwy, N.Wales

Dear Jan,

Usually exercises involve stabilizing your core such as crunches that build the abs are good one.  Make sure you pay attention to your body.  If there is pain in your low back or the tingling sensation at your toe is felt, then stop and back off from that exercise.  

Exercises to avoid are the one that involve having the back bend backward (back extension).  

General rule is if you do an exercise that does not cause pain to your low back or create the tingling sensation to your toe, then focus on those regiments.  If an exercise causes pain, then avoid it.

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