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follow bicep muscle injury
9/26 8:48:04

Dr. Victor Dolan,
thank you for responding. The arm situation has been 5 weeks of pain and I do not recall how other than I do yoga and first notice when I tried to do a push up or down dog and my arm at the elbow joint jutted off to the right and also no strength to complete the move. I have seen a chiropractor and x rays were taken in the c6,c7 which said the disc was compromise. Is it possible that this is the reason as my 2 fingers tingle?

thank you so much

Answer   Hello Geoffrey,

I am sorry to hear of your complaint.

It sounds like your bicep 'moves' laterally- left or right, or medially or
laterally when placed under load.

Have you ever specifically injured your right arm?, have you ever injured your
right shoulder or elbow? Sounds like a tendon or ligament that should 'track'
or hold the muscle in place is torn, stretched , injured in some manner.

".....It has been 5 weeks now .....", it has been 5 weeks since what?, some
injury to this area of your arm?, a slip trip, fall where you landed on the
right arm?

I would recommend your local doctor of chiropractic (DC) with a specialty
credential like a DACBSP, or DACBO, or DACRB- sports injuries, orthopedics, or
rehabilitation. Chiropractic doctors, similar to medical doctors have
additional credentials- see:

pinched nerve, cervical brachial neuritis, cervical brachial radiculitis, nerve irritation, staten island pinched nerve, numbness, paralysis, nerve damage,

Hello Geoffrey,

Thank you for your additional information and follow-up question.

The additional information seems to change the picture.

I will begin with a similar question, think about it:  What happened 7, or 6, or 5 weeks ago that preceded this complaint?- now I am not looking at the elbow, arm, bicep, tricep, shoulder,,,, now I am asking about a neck trauma.  Did you sleep wrong?= did you have a stiff neck two months ago (8 weeks, 7 weeks, 6 weeks ago)?, did you have a slip, trip, fall, car crash?- anything that jarred, shook up, traumatized your spine, particularly the neck?

From the spine come nerves that control our body.  Nerves to our heart, lungs, stomach, kidneys-- everywhere.  Nerves from our spine to our legs, knees, toes.  Low back (LumboSacral) nerves can be pinched  and give us  pain, numbness, tingling, weakness,  into our   leg(s), and this can be 'Sciatic Radiculitis'.  From our cervical spine (neck) we can have a 'pinched' or irritated nerve that goes into our chest- affecting our heart and lungs, and/or the nerve can also traverse down our neck, into the shoulder, through the upper arm, elbow, forearm, hand and fingers.

A 'pinched nerve' or irritated nerve in our neck can cause numbness, tingling, weakness to our shoulder, arm, elbow, forearm, wrist (ie carpal tunnel double crush), hand, fingers.  Sound familiar now?- your arm lacks strength (= weakness), your arm muscles do not work properly, and now you talk about tingling in your fingers.  Depending upon the location of the CAUSE of your problem C5, and/or  C6, and/or C7 - disc spaces, nerve roots, herniated discs or vertebral subluxation: you will have corresponding 'pinched nerve' SYMPTOMS.

I recommend the following sources for further information to clarify my explanation:

Click off the spine level of interest:

The Xrays you have taken are an excellent start.  Your Doctor of Chiropractic may also want an MRI of your neck (cervical spine) and/or an EMG/ncv of the cervical nerves that supply the arms/ fingers.

Given your follow-up information, it no longer sounds like a problem intrinsic to the mechanical/ muscular/ tendon/ ligament portion of your arm.  Your WEAKNESS and TINGLING now point much more to a 'pinched nerve'.  The SYMPTOMS of the weakness and tingling  in the fingers/ arm now, -more then likely, point to a CAUSE in the neck.

Given your additional information, I now think your problem is a 'pinched nerve'.   Given the additional information and my best guess over the internet,,,, you are at a good place for this problem- your local Doctor of Chiropractic.  Xrays are an excellent start, you may need MRI and EMG.  Chiropractic should be a safe, effective, cost effective treatment for your complaint, with good outcome.

I hope this additional info, clarification- helps.

Again,,, If you need further, do not hesitate to RE-contact me here at

Thank you for the question.
Good Luck, Your Staten Island Chiropractor friend,

Dr. Victor Dolan, DC
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