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nerve damage to the elbow
9/26 8:47:55

i got in a car accident on june 23 i felt numbines in my pinky ring and my ring finger and pin and needles i did a nerve test and it came back neg my doctor told me that the reason it was false because it was too soon to do the test it has been about three weeks now and still numbness and pin like to my hand why did the test fail and am concern it will fail again my hand does not have the straight to open doors or pick things up

If you were the driver, the act of of gripping the steering wheel during the accident could have caused misalignment to the wrist, and quite possibly the elbow.  You may also have a pinch in the neck area associated with hyperflexion/hyperextension (whiplash)  I would suggest trying a good chiropractor.  They should be able to assess and treat this,rehab it, and if necessary, send you to a specialist if one is indicated.

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