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neck adjustment
9/26 8:47:12

I had phoned my chiropractor asking him if he could do anything
about my vertigo. He said yes and I went in. Everything went well
until he layed me on my side and pushed really hard behind my right ear . Instantly I heard a crack , and had pain where he had
pushed and I have had a constant pain in the back of my head where
my vertibrate meets my skull and behind my ear.  I also notice my jaw is locking now. I have applied ice for 4 days and still the pain... Now , what?  I am scared to go back...What did he do and why still the pain? Did something serious happen?


I have no idea what your chiropractor did.  From the small description, it sounds like he did a "toggle-recoil" thrust maneuver to your 1st vertebra as you layed on your side.  While this old-fashioned joint manipulation maneuver has a small place in a DC's bag of tricks, it can be straining to the patient if not done correctly or not applied in the right manner.   This is not a first-line treatment for vertigo.   First off, why do you have vertigo?  Did your DC examine you and provide a diagnosis? Do you have what is called BPPV?  This is benign, paroxysmal, positional vertigo (BPPV) and there are standard treatments for this.   In fact, if you google this you will see a slew of little self-help video clips on this very common condition.   If you do not have BPPV, then you must see an EENT specialist or PCP to get a better idea what is causing the dizziness and jaw symptoms.   If you DC did too forceful a manipulation to your C1 vertebra, then yes, it can cause a host of aches/pains around the entire area, including your jaw.  Sorry you suffered such an episode from what appears to me to be an idiotic approach to a patient's dizziness.  I would suggest finding a chiropractor certified to do soft tissue work, e.g. Active Release Technique (ART) or Graston Technique (GT).   Likely, some soft tissue work, heat, rest may bring the head pain under control.   The jaw locking is a concern as it is an indication of possible damage or disclocation of the little disc that sits in the jaw joint.   This may require dental TMJ-specialist evaluation.

Good luck with this.  Let me know if I can be of any further assistance.

Dr. G

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