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Median Nerve
9/26 8:46:47

Near my left shoulder blade I feel as though I have a pinched nerve.  My left thumb, forefinger, and middle finger tingle and go numb at an intense rate. This intense tingle continues up forearm and stops mid-bicep.  My shoulder has an intense ache that I am unable to find comfort, in any position. Time frame is about 6 weeks now.  Most unbearable in past few days.  Nsaids, hot/cold treatment is not helping.  The final kicker, I am uninsured.  Any info. most appreciated.  Jason


I feel you have hit the nail on the head! I agree with you it does appear that the symptoms you describe are consistent with a pinched nerve that is most likely in the neck to upper back area. As far as the home remedies you have exhausted just about everything so good job with that. I highly suggest that you ask around and get a referral from a friend who visits a Chiropractor and get a work up. Chiropractors are trained to seek out the root cause of pinched nerves and that is called Subluxation.

With all that you have done for yourself and with the fact that your pain is non relenting I suggest you get to a chiropractor right away as this more than likely will not resolve on it's own.

Yours in Health
Dr John Quackenbush

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