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 Bone Health > Question and Answer > Pain and Symptoms > Chiropractors > Haemangioma
9/26 8:46:46

Hi there
I have been trying to answer the question of numbness in my lower calf and outer foot for 6 years now. I have seen countless chiropractors, physiotherapists and specialists. In my MRI they say a presumed haemangioma with an L4 vertebral body is there which my doctor confirmed is probable cause of numbness. I have no pain and am very fit I just have numbness. The only treatment that alleviates it for a short time is acupuncture and also yoga postures. Do I go to a chiropractor or physiotherapist or a massage therapist? Is there a way of me removing this numbness permanently by increasing or decreasing certain activities. Thank you

Hello Sally,

   You may want to see a(your) Chiropractor.  Numbness is caused by impingement upon a nerve.  If it is stemming from the lumbar spine the MRI should show the impingement.  However if it is a small/functional disc bulge it may not show up on a conventional MRI (when your laying down the pressure is taken of the spine reducing the bulge) this may be the reason yoga and acupuncture help your symptoms.  Doctors of Chiropractic are the biomechanic specialist of the spine, disc, joints, and musculature of the body.  Also ask your Chiropractor if they know someone in your area that performs "Seated MRI's" as it may be beneficial in your case.  Keep up with massage and yoga to reduce tension on the lumbar spine.  If you have the numbness in the calf and foot with no low back pain, you may have a impingement in the lower leg causing the numbness.  You may want to mention this to your doctor.

Have a great day,
Dr. Brendon O'Brien D.C.

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