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Throasic pain-intercostal nerve damage
9/26 8:46:44

I was injured at work in 2004 from lifting heavy files.Been off work again - going on 2 years in Jan. I have extreme pain in ribs and stomach, sternum and neck.  My Chiro was adjusting me and as It hurt soo much found a large fracture on ribs _went to MD's they checked for TOS and as that was not found seeing another Chiro.  Everything hurts and I am at my wits end.  I HAVE TO GO BACK TO WORK WITH THESE HEAVY FILES IN JAN. SO AFRAID.  STARTING YOGA BUT SO AFRAID TO TRY ANYTHING NOW.  IN CHRONIC PAIN TAKING ALOT OF EXTRA STRENGHT ASPRIN-NOT GOOD AS I NEARLY DIED FROM A GASTRIC ULCER IN 1995.  NEW CHIRO IS GOOD -BREAKING UP THE SCAR TISSUE - BUT I CAN'T SEEM TO GET BETTER.  PLEASE HELP IF YOU CAN

Does you chiropractor use therapies (ultrasound, elec. stim, etc)?  One in particular that works well is low level laser.  Not many chiros have it, and some that do are willing to work on other chiros patients to help them heal (we do this all the time in our office; chiros send to us, and know we aren't in it to steal patients away).  That coupled with the yoga you are about to start will be a good beginning on the road to healing.

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