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Spondylolisthesis and laser treatment options
9/26 8:46:31

Hi, My mother has been diagnosed with grade 3 spondylosis in the cervical vertabrae and grade 2 spondylolysthesis in the lumbar vertebra and has been going to a chiropractor on average once a day for the last month. Physio was tried but not successful and the only other option for treatment they've advised her of was to go and lie down for 15 minutes every hour. Is there anything that you can advise for possible treatment alternatives?

Hi Dana,

Sorry that your mom has such troubles.   If the chiropractic care has not proven effective in reducing pain and improving daily living activities over the last month with such frequent care, odds are it's not going to do so at all.   It is important to determine if the spondy's are stable or unstable.   See my previous Q/A (or one of the last few) where I addressed this topic of determining instability of the segments.    If she has unstable spondy's, then core stabilization exercises are her best bet.  If they are very unstable, then she must consult with a spine surgeon.   If all she has is back pain, that's one thing.  If she has sciatic leg symptoms, that's more serious and a consultation with a spine surgeon would be helpful.   There is very little evidence that laser will provide any relief for lower back pain.   I would advise her not to spend much money on this modality as it has not been shown to be effective for lower back pain.   I say this with some caution, as there are some people that respond to it, but overall laser is not a viable approach for lower backs as it is for things like tendon irritation or muscle strains.    So, again, the doctor must determine if she has stable or unstable spondy's.  Exercise that includes core strengthening is key.  In fact, it's one of the most evidence-based treatments for back pain.  Exercise.   If she is very unstable, then spine surgical consultation would be a good idea.  

'Hope this was helpful.

Dr. G

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