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neck and spine
9/26 8:45:32

These are the impressions of my mri, please advise on what I should do to fix the problems:  Any self home care advise would be appreciated as well and diet.


1.  Mild straightening of the normal cervical lordosis.
2.  c5-6 intervertebral disk bulge extending greater to the left with mild neural foraminal narrowing on the left.


Don't be concerned about the straigtening of the cervical curve.  If you have pain that radiates into the left arm/hand or left shoulder blade, then that might correlate with the disc bulge and narrowing of the nerve canal.   Bottom line: if you have pain, then see a chiropractor for manual therapy and try a mix that includes joint manipulation, manual traction, soft tissue therapy, exercises...   Progress should be measured by a change in your pain score, e.g. 8/10 pain instensity on day 1 changing to 3/10 intensity after a week or two of care.   If you get better in a few weeks, then great.  If you don't change after a few weeks, then you need different treatment.  Your choices would be to change to a different type of chirpractor, one that uses different methods, or to see an interventional pain management doctor (often MD Physiatrists) for consideration of injection near the nerve canal (epidural steroid injection).  Before any home care is advised, you first have to go through physical examination to see what causes pain or not.  'Best advice on diet for anyone with anything is this:  fish oil, vit-D, probiotics, and a "paleolithic" diet (a cave man diet).   

'Hope this helps,

Dr. G

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