Questioni was at work 2 days ago in a Nursery when a child hit my back hard with his head, that night my shoulder started hurting,
last night i was in agony with both my shoulders.
I went to see a doc today and he said i had a twisted back and because of the blow, its affected my shoulder too, he gave me Ibuprofen and said if it doesn't get better in a few days then i would need physio. What is a Twisted back and how has this affected my shoulder?
From your description a "twisted back" means one or more of your vertebra in your neck and/or upper back have "twisted" out of place and is causing a pinched nerve which in turn causes inflammation and pain. These nerves exit your spinal column and travel through your shoulders and down your arms to your finger tips.The pinched nerve and ensuing inflammation and pain are following the pathway of the nerve(s) involved.
Medication will more than likely deaden or take the edge off the pain but will do nothing to correct the underlying issue which is called a spinal subluxation (one or more of your vertebra out of place). I highly recommend seeing a chiropractor for this situation.
I sincerely hope this sheds some light on your situation.
Dr John Q Quackenbush
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