Questionmy name is Shannon.I was hit from behind and went off the highway into a tree in 2007.I am in pain 24/7.And I mean pain.I have been to the doctor and they didn't find any thing wrong they said I had fluid and around it but it would go away.It haven't went away yet.I am in more pain now
I am sorry to hear of your health issues. I can only assume you went to the ER or a GP medical doctor. Basically if there are no life threatening fractures nor if anything is torn and needs surgery the only other thing the medical profession has to offer is pain killers. They may also refer to a Physical therapist.This referral is not a bad step but seeing a Chiropractor is a better choice for you.
I highly suggest you get to a competent Chiropractor and have a total work up. Chiropractors understand the mechanics of a car accident and the damage that it can cause. Chiropractors are trained in the bio-mechanics of the spine and pelvis and for that matter all the joints and soft tissues in your body. The most dangerous 7 words are "may be the pain will go away on it's own" (ok 10 words). This pain that you have is not just going to go may lessen but if the underlying problem is not attended to properly then you will more than likely have bio-mechanical problems for the rest of your life. Also there is a preponderance of information that traumatic events can be an onset to Fibromyalgia. Now I did not say you have Fibromyalgia but the best way to fix Fibromyalgia is too never let it occur.
Please don't walk to the chiropractor RUN!!!
If you have any further questions please resubmit.
Good luck and get those hips (and your entire body) examined by a Chiropractor.
Dr John Quackenbush