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advanced disk degeneration
9/26 8:44:34

x-ray and mri shows advanced disk degeneration and moderate left hip arthritis. manifestaion is groin pain and referred pain as low as nid calf in left leg. bad and getting worse daily. Cortisone shot in hip worked for 2 days then pain manifested again but more in left buttock and eventually down the left leg. Becoming unmanageable. have to physicallly pick up leg to put socks on. Tylenol, alleve and advil nolonger effective. I am 68 and always have been physically active. golfer and gardener. no trauma or injury to relate. recent physical shows AOK in all other regards. Should I consider spinal decompression???


Before you pay $5000 cash (up front) with the practitioner abandoning all clinical guidelines, try "Cox Distraction" or standard "Flexion-Distraction" first.  You can see F-D on my web site under the products/services tab.   Surely Cox has their web site with videos.  This way, you can get distractive manipulation procedures on a visit-to-visit basis, usually covered by insurance, and see if it works.  If it fails, then try the other decompression system (e.g. DRX9000) but don't fall for all the hype surrounding it.  It's a fancy back traction device, plain and simple, with no research to compare it to other methods.  Either it is going to work for you or it is not, and you should know in a few sessions, not 20!    If you search in the AllExperts system under this you may find more of my responses to the decompression questions.

Good luck.  Hope this was helpful.

Dr. G

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