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should I continue treatment with this chiropractor?
9/26 8:44:27

I was in a minor auto accident mid-January, from which minor neck pain started.  I was advised by my pain mgmt dr to seek chiropractic care which I did.  The first few visits he did adjustments on my neck, although mildly sore a few hours later, was a "feel good" pain, would subside after applying an ice pack.    I was sent for x-rays which revealed stenosis (also have spinal stenosis in my lower back L4-5).  After a couple of weeks, physical therapy was introduced into my visits, which included walking the treadmill and various stretching exercises. I have been doing same routine 3 x week now and pain in %26 around neck has been worse since starting than it was before.  After expressing this to doctor, the answer I receive is "that means we're doing our job, and your body is adjusting".  I am to the point of not going back, why should I subject myself to this week after week with no relief in pain levels.  Worried now after insurance limits are used up will be told sorry, we can't help you anymore, and I will be left with this constant neck pain the rest of my life now.   
Wondering if these are typical procedures, especially since they aren't working to my benefit or should I seek treatment elsewhere.  By the way, was out of town for 1 week, didn't have any treatment, and pain level was at a 1 the entire time.

Thank you for any information you can offer with regards to this.


I cannot completely answer this without one piece of information:  Is it the PT or the Chiro that is causing the pain?   Stretching exercises often are the cause of continued pain or worsening pain in lots of instances where there is disc degneration, disc bulging or stenosis.  If you have stenosis, it could be the stretching that is probematic.  If not, and the stenosis is bad enough, the joint manipulation can be the cause.   The DC has to modify his/her techniques to match your condition.  Sometimes it means not doing traditional manipulation and switching to distraction methods, for example.  Maybe you need a different mix of modalities like cold laser, or stability exercises, or myofascial release (e.g. ART or GRaston Technique).  Having a reduced pain level without treatment is quite telling.   Maybe you need a break from care or you need different care.  

'Hope this was helpful.

Dr. G

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