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pain during manipulation
9/26 8:44:05

I recently had a fall where my spine arched inward and I felt a crack about waist level. My abdominal and lower back muscles felt strained. I went to a chiropractor who did manipulation twice.  Both times the pain was excruciating, though I did feel some relief after the procedure. Should it hurt this much?  Should I have had an MRI? Is there a gentler chiropractic treatment I could request?

Hello Ann,

I am sorry to hear of your injury and pain.

You do not tell me much about your complaint / condition.  Your age, general health, meds you are on, all of this influences the answers you could get.

That being said,,,, you can go to the Doctor in pain, but the Chiropractic Manipulation should NOT be 'excruciating'.  When someone is very acute, in severe spasm, very inflamed ( we often call it 'very hot') - - -  there are MANY Chiropractic techniques that are low force, no force, very gentle and mild.

IF you are saying the Chiropractic Adjustment CAUSED excruciating pain,,,, I would CERTAINLY discuss that with the Doctor.  We have MANY techniques, modalities, approaches to ameliorate pain, reduce pain, WITHOUT causing increased pain.

IF you are saying you were sore AFTER an adjustment, after a procedure-- this is very common, as it is common in almost all medical/ surgical/ physical procedures;  but soreness is way different from EXCRUCIATING PAIN.

IF you do not get an adequate discussion with your current DC,,, I would switch to a different DC.

Depending upon your age, the physical findings you present- in person- perhaps you could have, should have had Xrays, perhaps even more advanced imaging (MR or CT).

If you are telling me the chiropractic procedure CAUSED you MORE pain,,,, I would talk with that Doctor,,, if not satisfied--- I would go to a different chiropractic doctor.
         Depending upon your physical findings,,,, I may have ordered Xrays, perhaps an Xray or MR or CT.   Certainly discuss this with your old or new DC.

"......Is there a gentler chiropractic treatment I could request?......."- just as there are a thousand different medications a Medical Doctor can choose from, the Chiropractic Doctor can choose from a thousand different techniques/ maneuvers/ treatment approaches- from very mild and gentle to very vigorous.

My recommendation?
Discuss this with your DC.  Not happy with the answers????, then a NEW DC.
         A Chiropractic Procedure should NOT cause excruciating pain.

I hope this information helps you. If you need further info, do not hesitate to
re-contact me here at

I wish you Good Health Naturally, your Staten Island Chiropractor Expert,

Dr. Victor Dolan, DC

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