QuestionI have experienced mid back pain for about a year now. I recently went to the chiropractor and he informed me that I have scoliosis although it is only slight. He also informed me that my spine is out of alignment in several places, one of my intervertabral disks is slightly squished, my neck is straight instead of the normal C curve. Because of the misalignment, the muscles over my entire back are pretty tense. He says chiropractic care can help and he recommended a total of 36 adjustments over 2-3 months. This first week I am seeing him 4 times, next week I will see him 3-4 times. Is it normal practice to see a chiropractor that many times in one week? After the first visit yesterday my back is pretty sore, I guess this is normal for my muscles to be sore since they sat out of whack for so long? Should a chiropractor be able to fix my problem in not so many visits? I just wonder if he is trying to milk my insurance money by spreading it out by so many visits since I do have really good insurance. I also worry that he will not be able to fix it, in which he said we will figure out another plan of action. At that point should I take my business elsewhere? Could he possibly make my back worse by doing so many adjustments? I didn't have an accident or anything but my back has probably been out of alignment for years now and steadily getting worse, I just don't want to run out of insurance money and then have to go at it again somewhere else.
Answeri think what he suggested is normal. i don't think he is milking your insurance , if anything you should be using ALL your benefits to fix the problem. i specialize in scoliosis treatment. you should have an xray with you standing to determine if the scoliosis is caused by a short leg.
understand that your spine has been like this most likely since you were about 11 yrs old. it will not correct itself in 11 days and probably not in 11 weeks. i am sure he will get you out of pain , but the question after that is whether or not you want to try to correct the curve or maintain it from getting worse.
good luck! sounds like he is beibng very honest with you.