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neck pain and nausea
9/26 8:43:16

Hi, just wondering does disc injuries in the neck cause nausea. Was told nausea was more caused by me having leaky gut syndrome which I am off all dairy and wheat, but I notice when my neck is stiff and has a lot of pain with dizziness, I feel nausea I have three disc injuries in my neck as well as scoliosis  

leaky gut can cause nausea but if you are dizzy (vertigo) and have neck stiffness then you should see a chiropractor to have the alignment of C1 (atlas vertebrae) checked. A subluxation of atlas bone (top vertebrae in the neck) which has your Vertebral Artery passing through a hole in the side of the bone (transverse process)is much more likely to be causing the problem.
as for your scoliosis you should do alexander technique with regular chiropractic adjustments. you should also be stretching everyday specifically to reverse the scoliosis.

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