QuestionFor 11 months I have been experiencing intense arm pain, starting in the
wrist and now to the entire arm and neck, currently the right shoulder blade
as well. I started seeing an ART/CHIRO 3 weeks ago, and for the first two
weeks it was like SWEET RELEASE for the first time, but now I'm back to
feelings blah. As I write this I'm experiencing arm weakness, and a gnawing
shoulder tension...under arm sharp pain. I'll have to stop typing soon...
What I'm wondering is, is it normal to experience good weeks and bad weeks.
I was so sure it was helping and now I'm confused. I have yet to be diagnosed
with anything.
Sounds like you were off to a good start. It is absolutely true that you can have good days and bad days. Right now these are good weeks bad weeks. I say stick with it but definitely tell your chiropractor EVERYTHING you can about your reaction to care good and bad. He/she needs to know that stuff and don't worry about offending him/her because those comments are pertinent clinical observations and reactions.
Find out the treatment plan in no uncertain terms. How long does he plan to follow the ART protocols. What is he going to do if it does not bring about the desired results within the time frame as he suggests.
More than likely if ART is working for you you have a type of fibrosis which is the beginning formation of a scar tissue causing adhesions. Ask your doc what your Diagnosis is.
Please get back with me if you feel that you are not responding and ask further questions you may be a candidate for Manipulation under Anesthesia for adhesive shoulder capsulitis.
Hope this helps with your health journey.
Dr John Q Quackenbush
Phoenix Chiropractor