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left knee severe injury
9/26 8:43:04

In 1988 I had a severe injury to my left knee 6 surgery 3 of witch were acl Reconstructions now in the 10 years I have started having problems with pain in my right knee,hip and lower back Iam being told this is not connected to my left knee injury is this true.


The short answer is yes this could be the major contributing factor as to why you are having pain in your right knee, hip and lower back.

The most simple way to explain this is that the changes that you consciously and subconsciously made in your walking is to blame for the problems you describe. I really don't think this concept is that far fetched. The right side of your body had to make up or compensate for the bio mechanical faults on the left side of your body.

I hope this sheds some light on your health issues.

Dr John Q Quackenbush

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